Sunday, February 3, 2008

let me tell you 'bout the birds and the ducks.

TRUE STORY WITH NAMES CHANGED xD (vocal music class)

Gustavio: ano ba si DONALD DUCK? bird?

Carmelito: DUH. you wouldn't call him DONALD DUCK FOR NOTHING. If he was a BIRD, then you'd call him DONALD BIRD. DUH.

Gustavio: eh kasi.. malay mo..

Carmelito: STUPIDO!! The only bird in the world is LARRY BIRD! you wouldn't call him LARRY BIRD for nothing!! If LARRY BIRD was a DUCK you'd call him LARRY DUCK!

Victorio: and if LARRY DUCK was a POTTER you'll call him LARRY POTTER!!

Augustus: kaya nga DONALD DUCK kasi DUCK siya eh! TANGA MO!

Carmelito: yeah! if DONALD DUCK was a BIRD then they wouldn't bother naming him DONALD DUCK! it should be DONALD BIRD!!!

[guess kung sino sino yang mga yan! xD
clue: AMBAGAL KASi.]

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